Along with a new season
which brings with it a promise of new life, fresh growth and fragrant charm,
I’ve decided to give the blog a new look, infused with paper cranes—a Japanese
symbol of love and hope. Three years ago I came across the legend of 1,000 cranes, my
father served a LDS mission in Japan and he introduced it to me. At the time it
was a helpful reminder of the power of intention. The tradition follows the
Japanese belief that cranes are sacred and in folding 1,000 paper cranes, you
will receive a wish. Whether it be long life, health, happiness, etc., I felt
that I needed a large gesture of faith to set my life in motion. I began to
diligently produce one paper crane after another with the intention of meeting
a counterpart that would challenge me, support me, and who I could return all
the love I knew I was capable of giving.
I began with every color
and pattern you can imagine and sat for hours imbuing each crease with love, a
true spirit of hope and patience. The diligence with which I fulfilled the task
renewed a sense of commitment, inspired creativity and a flux of energy. I
wanted to be ready for anything. I would be ready for anything. I wanted to
fulfill my purpose and attract and receive what the universe had to offer. I
hung them above my bed and stared at them each night, reminded of the joy they brought
as a process, as well as what I hoped to come as a result of my endeavors.
Later that year, I met
Jake my sweet sweet hubby. As you all know, I think pretty highly of him, and he has truly been a
symbol of how worthwhile a commitment to love, hope and moving forward each day
can be. Hence, our new look and my constant challenge to my readers and
followers to take one day at a time and approach the hard tasks that life
brings with love, faith and commitment. I hope you all enjoy our new look!

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