Why is it
that New Year’s resolutions are so hard to keep? Are you one of those who make
lovely, enthusiastic goals to launch you into the New Year, just to find
yourself slipping back comfortably into your old ways? I know that for me, a
new year always raises my spirits with a promise for new beginnings! But I’m
with you—my New Year’s goals are consistently hard to keep. So this year I am
trying to remember a few things that have helped me to be successful in keeping
my goals and staying strong throughout the year.
First of
all, when selecting an achievable goal, you must consider whether or not you
can honestly stick to the goal you are setting out to reach—this is huge! When
you start to make goals that encompass too many ideals of perfectionism, it
begins to become a problem. Your hopes in keeping them dwindle quickly and your
goal becomes farther out of sight than ever. I have gotten so discouraged on
numerous occasions and inevitably begin to doubt why I decide to make goals in
the first place. The problem is not in making the goals, but in striving for
perfection and over-reaching when selecting your next step to a better you.
Here are my
tips for setting the right goals for you and how to keep them while you’re at
*Set five
long-term goals that you know in your heart of hearts will have an end in
sight. Visualize yourself achieving these goals. You want to push yourself to
be a better version of yourself, but be realistic—how much time and effort are
you willing to give to the future you?
*Break down
each of these goals—how can you make them happen? What are the smaller steps
and goals that help you take the necessary steps upward? I suggest making small
weekly and monthly goals that you can accomplish to get you just a little
closer to the larger picture.
* Reward
yourself each month when you check off the smaller components of your goal. My
husband has been helping with this one—he actually wraps up a gift and leaves
it wrapped on our front table so that I see it daily, reminding me that there
is always a reward for my hard efforts. This does wonders in keeping me
motivated and moving forward each day.
Your reward
doesn’t have to be a physical gift, however. I am equally motivated by my
favorite flavor of ice cream or a fun bowling night with my husband or family.
A good movie date with my mom will get me checking boxes off my list like
nothing else! Whatever it is, small and simple or a well-deserved larger
celebration for those big mile markers, just make sure it motivates you and
reminds you how amazing your accomplishments and contributions to those
life-changing shifts really are.
These few
steps to making your larger goals come to life has helped me immensely in
evolving my business and I continue to move forward because I am constantly making
smaller, reasonable goals! I’d love to hear some of your goals for the new year. Please comment below and let me know how you plan to
spend the year working proactively to step into your new life—revamped!

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